Keeping the Legacy Alive


Nova Scotia's Eastern Hemlock is a foundational species in Eastern Canada and some of the last remaining old-growth forests. They perform unique ecological functions. Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) is a small, invasive, aphid-like insect that causes decline and eventual death to our Eastern hemlock. HWA was first identified in Nova Scotia in 2017 and has now spread to at least seven counties in southwestern Nova Scotia.

Questions, comments or to add a HWA-related event to the Calendar below, please email : 


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Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Working Group – Maritimes

Established in 2017 shortly after the discovery of HWA in Nova Scotia, The Hemlock Wooly Adelgid Working Group (Maritimes) is a collaboration of government and non-government groups with a mission of promoting research, management, and outreach with the goal of minimizing damage to Nova Scotia's hemlock resources in the face of the invasive insect hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA). Meeting monthly, the group collaborates on a variety of HWA related topics including research, pest management, reporting, and public outreach. Members include representatives from the organizations listed here.